Sunday, December 6, 2009

Things I Love Thursday ..... several weeks late!

It is certainly a sad thing when youve not been able to sit down and complie a list of the things you love. Ive continued to have a pretty challenging few weeks, so Im definately needing to be reminded of the things that have cheered me up. What better way to do it than with two weeks worth of Things I Love Thursday, right? Okay fine its on a Sunday and its slightly more than two weeks worth, but least Im trying to stay on top of things, right?
So what brought a smile to your face this week, little ones? Big or small, lets share!
-Lots of time with the parents. Be it for holidays, parties or just because, they can always make me smile. Not only are they super fun to be around but theyre also extremely generous. Im a very lucky girl. They came bowling yesterday with me and the boy and Jace cooked an amazing dinner at our place for all of us.
-My work friends being gigantic, wonderful helper bees! Im going to be starting a schedule that is the complete opposite of what Id ever want to do (7 days straight on, followed by 7 straight days off and so on) and Id never be able to manage it had they not been so supportive in offering to carpool. I have no idea what Id be doing if it werent for them.
-Having a new coffee thermos to take with me on the bus as well as one at work so I am never without a good excuse to fill up on a giant cuppa'joe!
-Epic string arrangements in songs. Aaaah, love. Ive been listening to Fljotavik by Sigur Ros lots and lots and my goodness, pretty is that song? Those tiny Icelandic geniuses are too much, sometimes.
-Jacejacejace! The boy is downright amazing and Im certain you will all get sick of hearing about it but Im just gonna keep on tellin' ya anyway. He has been so sweet and supportive with all the stressful worky drama thats been going down lately. The amount of laughing we do is enough to be considered a work out and hes just about the cutest thing ever.
-Our very Christmasy looking apartment! We have a white tree with silver and black ornaments and clear lights as well as tons of super bright multi-colored lights framing our giant living room window. Its pretty damn festive and adorable.
-Actually, our apartment in general. We deep cleaned on Friday so that in combonation with having all our furniture and everything in order has made this place a very cozy little home.
-A very good response to my asking for donations to Salt Lake County Animal Services for their Christmas for the Animals event. All it took was one email and BAM! Tons of strangers more than eager to help. Sometimes when your faith in humanity dips a little low (or a lot, whatev.) people surprise you with generosity you'd never expect.

My list sure seems short for as long as its been since Ive updated. My mind has just been other places and my efforts to stay positive have been keeping me away from all things computer for the most part. It may seem like a lame excuse but Im being real here, folks. Its been a trying November thats spilled over into a seemingly similar December. Come on, good stuff! Im ready for ya!

Other (although vastly different) things to make you smile:

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