Friday, December 11, 2009

Things I Love Thursday (only a day late this time!).

Im late on Things I Love Thursday, yet again. Im really not good with making deadlines for myself, apparently. Regardless, its time to tell me the good things going on with you and Ill do my best to think of the stuff Ive been digging on this week. Some of them are pretty basic, but its all about the little things sometimes, right?

-A good nights sleep! Last night I was already pretty tired, but since Ive been sleeping horribly lately I decided to take an Advil PM. I passed the hell out IMMEDIATELY and didnt wake up once. It was deeeeeeelightful!

-Extra-long showers or baths. Its been so freezing outside (its only 19 degrees right now! ICK!) that most nights the only thing I can do to regain a little feeling in my hands and toes is to soak all the frosty, frigid horribleness away.

-I bought these tights a few weeks ago - theyre made of sweatery material and should be super warm. Im wearing them for the first time tonight under a skirt (probably) and plan to layer, layer, layer them under pants on regular work days. Im sure I will end up buying many more pairs in any color I can.

-Fever Ray! The album came out quite a wile ago and it took me a bit to get into it, even though I loved The Knife right off the bat. I think Fever Rays stark, chilly and spooky atmosphere is way more suited to a winter-time release but least Im finally appreciating the album! Excellent cold weather tunes.

-Random fun times with Lydia! We hung around at my place drinking beer and playing Wii on Wednesday night. It was a perfect middle-of-the-week break!

Other love-worthy tidbits...
Dinner and bowling with Jace and my parents last Saturday; using only our Christmas lights as the lighting in our living room; laughing like crazy with Danita at work; being almost done with Downtown Owl and finally having it all pull together; "It smells like a god damn Christmas tree in here!"; Pepsi Max; making breakfast for the boy; those crazy, crazy CocoRosie bitches; finally finding a regimen that (for the most part) keeps all the static out of my hair...

OH! AND! Oscar, the naked, dancing cockatoo! Shes so adorable and Id always tell her how pretty she is. I love that it almost looks like she has little boobies.

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