Monday, December 7, 2009

Boo, winter!

Aaaah, Christmas season. You are full of insanely busy mall-shopping, severe bouts of over-eating, spending when you should be saving and blustery nasty weather. Its all stress, stress, stress and go, go, go. And horrid knit sweaters of cats in stockings & the like. Gross. If it were up to me Id never have to touch the snow and the low 70's would be concidered "chilly" where I live. Unfortunately (for now, anyway) that just isnt the case.
So tell me all you People Who Love Winter; why is it that you find this time of year to be so great? Im at a loss on this one. Im trying to find the joy in bleak grey skies. Im struggling to smile while wearing 27 layers and looking like the Stay-Puff marshmallow man everywhere I go. Im doing my best to ignore my (somewhat) irrational and (also somewhat) needlessly hightened fear of slipping and falling on icey sidewalks. Convince me, folks! Gimmie all you got!

This time of year does bring about one big tradition for me. Im not talking nearly unedible seasonal foods or outdated family traditions, either. Winter means that I can start working on my yearly Sad Bastard Mix cd. If you know me at all you know that I love a good ol' sad-as-hell, music-to-slit-your-wrists-to song. I'd call it a guilty pleasure if I believed in 'em. Last year as I was giving a copy to someone Id made a remark that there was a song I shouldve put on the mix but forgot and that I would have to save it for next year. "Wont you run out of songs, eventually?" Mr. So-and-so asked. "Psssshh! Bitch, you crazy!" I (most likely) replied. As long as Im a music nerd who cant walk into a CD store without buying at minimum one thing that I justcantlivewithout there will always be sad songs/albums/artists piling up in my ginormous cd collection. You will always have a home with me, my broken hearted musician friends! Bring me your songs written in minor keys! Onward to sadness!

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