+The unbelievable amount of generous people bringing me donations for Salt Lake County Animal Services (seriously amazing)!
+Saying "Its a Christmas miracle!" after something not very miracle-ish happens.
+"I have that Asian kid singing tuts my barreh stuck in my head."
+Really good combonations of songs being played on shuffle.
+"Dear Jesika 'is hot' Medici, You're a lady and a scholar. Thank you, Alisha".
+My Music Listogrophy book!
+Slide by Missy Elliott
+"Good thing we arent having kids. Itd come out with a full beard, huge eyeballs and saying 'fuck' a lot."
+The new background on my work computer (hellloooo, goldfish!).
+A very successful Christmas shopping trip last Saturday.
+building up the courage to get a haircut - I miss having short, funky hair!
+Being very much in love with the best boy ever.

+How excited I am to give people their Christmas presents.
+That I get to sleep in for the next three days. Mmmmm sleeeep.
+The Simon's Cat cartoons! I love them! Look how cute!
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