This schedule is going to take more patience than I think I have to offer. Im ill equipt for so many days to myself and Im definitely not cut out for 70 hour work weeks. Time at work or time alone, it wont really matter; either way everyone I want to be with will be out of my reach more often than not. While I am absolutely a person who loves time to myself, Im also a person who will go way too crazy, get way too anxoius and become way too self destructive when theres a lot of time laying around and nothing to fill it with. You can only take so many pictures, read so many books or take so many aimless walks before the stir crazy finds you and follows you around.
And Im the type who will just spend, spend, spend so that I dont get bored, bored, bored. Yikes.
I appreciate the optimism everyone is trying to throw my way about the schedule change, and I appreciate their trying to help me see the positives - and I really do mean that. But what do you do when the negatives are far outweighing and you know it just wont work for you? Telling me "You'll learn to love it." isnt always true - simple as that. To me it feels the same as trying to talk someone into being gay or into a religion they dont belive in. Theres just something that Im not going to see and theres way too much I just cant be swayed on. Optimism can only get you so far and I think Ive plateaued. *sigh*
The times they are a'changin' I suppose.
Continuing with the changes... I have new hair!

That being said, it is the kick off point for the Things I Love Thursday this week!
Other list makers besides the new, sassier 'do include;
///Jace surprising me with an early Valentines Day present - tickets to Alkaline Trio! That guy doesnt even know their music in the least (and it probably wont really be his thing at all) but he is still willing to go with me to see one of my favourite bands. Totally the best boy ever.
///Both my federal and state tax returns depositing within days of each other! Ch-ching!
///Nibbler from Futurama.
///"Shooot girl, you GOT this! Seven days in a row ain't no thang! Good luck. Miss you already!" Awww, thanks Danita.
///https://www.streetpeeper.com I am by no means a fashion fanatic and I find most of the outfits to be completely impractical, strained and over-the-top but thats part of the fun for me, I think. And honestly? I like checking out the background of the photo a lot more than the person posing a good chunk of the time.
///A surprisingly large paycheck from work that I totally wasnt expecting.
///Old skool NES, SNES and GENESIS games!
///Being able to wear a hoodie to run errands and not freeze to death. (and being a little warm in it, even!)
///A day of lunch and shopping with Lydia.
///My new hair colour. After the cut a few weeks ago it kinda feels new again with the colour.
Here are some things Ive been watching that have certainly made me smile, inspired me or have just plain been awesome.
Well hello there, Dave. You sure are looking handsome today. I like what youve done with your...everything, really.
Sarah posted this on my wall on Facebook and I swear Ive watched it like 20 times.
Check the girls shoes! The theatrics! The cheesy as hell black man narrating everything! The...Elton John? WTF?! Damn, Gaga...damn.
How about you guys? Whats making the tail-end-of-winter ickiness more bearable for you?
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