Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh hey, internet! Long time no update.

Im full of excuses. Im sure youve gathered it by now, right? Regardless, this is the one Im using right now: I havent been blogging because my computer is dead. Definately not the forever kind of dead but absolutely for now kind of dead. The ever so handsome and talented boyfriend o'mine is fixing it (yet again) so I will be back to my laptop-havin' self soon. I know - the suspense is killing you. Oh! However! On my last week off I hijacked Jace's computer to update, got all the way to the "post new blog" point of the whole operation and then guess what happened? (...wait for it....waaait fooor iiiitt.....) Our internet connection dropped entirely, deleting eee'rything Id just typed and formatted and copy-and-pasted and linked to. Yep, the whole shebang was no mas and I swore a lot about it. While Id saved some of it, there was still a huge chunk that went lost in the vast abyss of the interwebz to die. Horrible, horrible tragedy, no? (No.) Ugh, whatever. Why am I explaining myself to you people? STOP JUDGING ME!!! Youre supposed to be my friends! Alright, you get the point - Lappy (thats my laptop's name) is on his way to being fixed and things will be back to semi-regular in no time. No more blog constipation for this girl! Huzzah!
Crap. Its occured to me that even with the huge gap in posting I dont really have much to report. I did attend the SLC Tattoo Convention last Saturday, though. Some genius decided to put the tattoo convention at one end and the hunting expo at the other so the mix of people wandering around the Salt Palace was certainly a sight to see. Id gone into the convention expecting to spend a small fortune on some new earrings, some cool clothes and maybe some sort of nifty hand-made necklace or something of the sort. Instead I walked out with this:

Im quickly finding out that hand tattoos (or at least finger tattoos) heal completely differently from any other tattoo Ive experienced. Its not really gotten flaky or itchy and has remained a constant level of scabby and kinda sore. It should be interesting to see how this looks in a couple weeks.
Other than that its been pretty much business as usual in Jesikaville. Im still struggling with my schedule at work but trying my best (still. STILL!) to find the good in it. I was off on Valentines day but Jace wasnt so we've sort of had the ability to stretch the luuuuuv out for a couple weeks. He bought us tickets to Alkaline Trio (a band I love but that hes never listened to) about a month ago and then booked a suite at a hotel downtown for the day/night of the show. I cannot wait for that! And there is now a very beautiful orchid on our kitchen table because he only likes to give flowers if they can last for a long time. What a novel concept! That boy? Hes a smart one and I love him to pieces.

Ya know what? While it might not be Thursday, Im still going to do a Things I Love entry because hell...why not, right?

Things I Love "Thursday" for the week of...well...for right now!
///I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone by Stephanie Kuehnert. I just started reading it and like it a lot so far. The two main characters remind me a lot of me and Lydia (getting drunk and playing on swingsets? HELLO!). My only gripe is that there is no way Emily and Ragan should be passed off as 16 year olds - its just a little too far fetched to me. But other than that, the story is sucking me in!
///The anticipation of watching the Rock-afire Explosion documentary. (If you dont know what Im talking about I wouldnt be suprised - you should Google it!) Jace and I are pretty stoked to see it because we, as you may or may not know, are total nerds. Shocking, right? Should bring back a lot of childhood nostalgia.
///Making my mom laugh so hard that she said "Its a good think Im not wearing any makeup right now or thered be mascara lines all down my face from the crying!"
///Singing along (pretty accurately!) to No Regrets by Aesop Rock. I love the hell out of that song.
///Everything about the picture below. Look at that little face! So cute I cant even stand it. I want to pet him so bad!
///Absolutely everything about Rocky Votolatos voice. For really realz.
///Anticipation about the afore-mentioned Alkaline Trio show and CD release! Hooray! I get crap from people when I call them one of my all time faves but ya know what? The people that give that shit have almost never actually listened to the band. I hate when that happens. Jerks, the lot of 'em! *shakes fist*

And these!

What have you been loving on lately, little ones? Do share!

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