Friday, January 15, 2010

Things I Love Thursday on a Friday!

Im not even going to get into excuses, kids. Theres no reason other than my slacking as to why I havent posted anything worthwhile in...oh, weeks (at the least)? Im about to switch to a schedule that literally makes my stomach turn every time I think about it, so now more than ever I need to list out the things I love lately - Thursday or (in this case) not. Make with the goods, little ones! Whats making you smile?

+Tax returns! I just filed mine today and Im gonna toss out an "OMG!" if I may! Its gonna be nice to actually have some cash in savings for the first time in over a year.

+My dad being all cute and uplifting yesterday. I had mentioned how horrified I am to start my new schedule and he said "Its going to be rough for a bit, but youre so good at your job and such a hard worker that I know you'll make us proud." Awww, thanks dad!

+Haircuts! Im getting one tomorrow and Im not gonna lie...I cant wait to get rid of these long, annoying, static-ridden, dull, no-fun locks. Time for fun Jesika hair again.

+Being completely caught up on bills. I owe nothing to anyone and that is a gooood feeling.

+ (!!!!)

+Rediscovering a song that you love, but have forgotten about. For me, I just cant get enough of Unseen Sights by Alias (with Markus Acher from the Notwist).

+Adventures with Jace on our days off together.

+Ever wanted to play Super Mario Bros. and Tetris combined? Well now you can, fool! Get on that craziness right here!

Now its your turn! What do you love this week?

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