Thursday, November 19, 2009

Things I Love Thursday for November 19, 2009.

Are you familiar with Things I Love Thursday? Someone out there got the bright idea to make a list of things you've been really digging that past week or so for all to see. A little 'the weekend is almost here' pick-me-up, I suppose. Bloggers gobbled the idea up, lists were made, positivity was shared... the world was a momentarily better place because at least for that while you could focus on all the good youve had that week. Big or small, important or not, it doesnt matter - share it!
That said, my week has been pretty terrible. So..well...lets get this positivity ball a'rollin, huh?

:Jace's awesomeness at cheering me up during the crappy events of the week. I am one lucky lady.
:The new Themselves album. Holy shit. Go buy it. Like, right now.
:Reading about Buckminster Fuller during my free time at work.
:Surprisingly delicious workplace breakfasts.
:Random co-workers saying "Funny story about Tuesday, I had to run home and get my tuxedo shirt and on the way I was going to stop and get you a plant. But then I thought, "meh, that's probably cheesy". So I didn't. Looking back, that would have been a very random event in the day and I probably should have."
:Theres a Felt 3! Get that shit in your life, homeslices!
:Bacon flavored popcorn?! If its made with not actual bacon Im gonna have consume some ASAP. If there are actual meat products involved maybe I could just buy some Bacos (theyre vegan!) and sprinkle 'em on my SmartPop? Hellooooo, fat kid!
:Getting blood money at work. As in, I give them my blood, they give me their money.
:Crab, beer and good TV night!
:My mom. ALWAYS my mom. Have you met her? Shes kind of super amazing. Just sayin'.
:My dad's very awesome work-related advice. Have you met him? Hes kind of super amazing, too.
:Our new furniture! Ikea, you are a wonderful, wonderful place.

What about you, my lovelies? What is brightening your week?

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