Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh hey, internet! Long time no update.

Im full of excuses. Im sure youve gathered it by now, right? Regardless, this is the one Im using right now: I havent been blogging because my computer is dead. Definately not the forever kind of dead but absolutely for now kind of dead. The ever so handsome and talented boyfriend o'mine is fixing it (yet again) so I will be back to my laptop-havin' self soon. I know - the suspense is killing you. Oh! However! On my last week off I hijacked Jace's computer to update, got all the way to the "post new blog" point of the whole operation and then guess what happened? (...wait for it....waaait fooor iiiitt.....) Our internet connection dropped entirely, deleting eee'rything Id just typed and formatted and copy-and-pasted and linked to. Yep, the whole shebang was no mas and I swore a lot about it. While Id saved some of it, there was still a huge chunk that went lost in the vast abyss of the interwebz to die. Horrible, horrible tragedy, no? (No.) Ugh, whatever. Why am I explaining myself to you people? STOP JUDGING ME!!! Youre supposed to be my friends! Alright, you get the point - Lappy (thats my laptop's name) is on his way to being fixed and things will be back to semi-regular in no time. No more blog constipation for this girl! Huzzah!
Crap. Its occured to me that even with the huge gap in posting I dont really have much to report. I did attend the SLC Tattoo Convention last Saturday, though. Some genius decided to put the tattoo convention at one end and the hunting expo at the other so the mix of people wandering around the Salt Palace was certainly a sight to see. Id gone into the convention expecting to spend a small fortune on some new earrings, some cool clothes and maybe some sort of nifty hand-made necklace or something of the sort. Instead I walked out with this:

Im quickly finding out that hand tattoos (or at least finger tattoos) heal completely differently from any other tattoo Ive experienced. Its not really gotten flaky or itchy and has remained a constant level of scabby and kinda sore. It should be interesting to see how this looks in a couple weeks.
Other than that its been pretty much business as usual in Jesikaville. Im still struggling with my schedule at work but trying my best (still. STILL!) to find the good in it. I was off on Valentines day but Jace wasnt so we've sort of had the ability to stretch the luuuuuv out for a couple weeks. He bought us tickets to Alkaline Trio (a band I love but that hes never listened to) about a month ago and then booked a suite at a hotel downtown for the day/night of the show. I cannot wait for that! And there is now a very beautiful orchid on our kitchen table because he only likes to give flowers if they can last for a long time. What a novel concept! That boy? Hes a smart one and I love him to pieces.

Ya know what? While it might not be Thursday, Im still going to do a Things I Love entry because hell...why not, right?

Things I Love "Thursday" for the week of...well...for right now!
///I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone by Stephanie Kuehnert. I just started reading it and like it a lot so far. The two main characters remind me a lot of me and Lydia (getting drunk and playing on swingsets? HELLO!). My only gripe is that there is no way Emily and Ragan should be passed off as 16 year olds - its just a little too far fetched to me. But other than that, the story is sucking me in!
///The anticipation of watching the Rock-afire Explosion documentary. (If you dont know what Im talking about I wouldnt be suprised - you should Google it!) Jace and I are pretty stoked to see it because we, as you may or may not know, are total nerds. Shocking, right? Should bring back a lot of childhood nostalgia.
///Making my mom laugh so hard that she said "Its a good think Im not wearing any makeup right now or thered be mascara lines all down my face from the crying!"
///Singing along (pretty accurately!) to No Regrets by Aesop Rock. I love the hell out of that song.
///Everything about the picture below. Look at that little face! So cute I cant even stand it. I want to pet him so bad!
///Absolutely everything about Rocky Votolatos voice. For really realz.
///Anticipation about the afore-mentioned Alkaline Trio show and CD release! Hooray! I get crap from people when I call them one of my all time faves but ya know what? The people that give that shit have almost never actually listened to the band. I hate when that happens. Jerks, the lot of 'em! *shakes fist*

And these!

What have you been loving on lately, little ones? Do share!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Things I Love Thursday on a Monday. (Ah, crap.)

I wrote most of this last week, promptly forgot all about it and then got wrapped up in my days off. It seems that when you dont really have anywhere to be for seven days straight you a) lose track of time and b) forget what day it is entirely. Excuses, excuses.


This schedule is going to take more patience than I think I have to offer. Im ill equipt for so many days to myself and Im definitely not cut out for 70 hour work weeks. Time at work or time alone, it wont really matter; either way everyone I want to be with will be out of my reach more often than not. While I am absolutely a person who loves time to myself, Im also a person who will go way too crazy, get way too anxoius and become way too self destructive when theres a lot of time laying around and nothing to fill it with. You can only take so many pictures, read so many books or take so many aimless walks before the stir crazy finds you and follows you around.
And Im the type who will just spend, spend, spend so that I dont get bored, bored, bored. Yikes.
I appreciate the optimism everyone is trying to throw my way about the schedule change, and I appreciate their trying to help me see the positives - and I really do mean that. But what do you do when the negatives are far outweighing and you know it just wont work for you? Telling me "You'll learn to love it." isnt always true - simple as that. To me it feels the same as trying to talk someone into being gay or into a religion they dont belive in. Theres just something that Im not going to see and theres way too much I just cant be swayed on. Optimism can only get you so far and I think Ive plateaued. *sigh*
The times they are a'changin' I suppose.

Continuing with the changes... I have new hair!

That being said, it is the kick off point for the Things I Love Thursday this week!

Other list makers besides the new, sassier 'do include;
///Jace surprising me with an early Valentines Day present - tickets to Alkaline Trio! That guy doesnt even know their music in the least (and it probably wont really be his thing at all) but he is still willing to go with me to see one of my favourite bands. Totally the best boy ever.
///Both my federal and state tax returns depositing within days of each other! Ch-ching!
///Nibbler from Futurama.
///"Shooot girl, you GOT this! Seven days in a row ain't no thang! Good luck. Miss you already!" Awww, thanks Danita.
/// I am by no means a fashion fanatic and I find most of the outfits to be completely impractical, strained and over-the-top but thats part of the fun for me, I think. And honestly? I like checking out the background of the photo a lot more than the person posing a good chunk of the time.
///A surprisingly large paycheck from work that I totally wasnt expecting.
///Old skool NES, SNES and GENESIS games!
///Being able to wear a hoodie to run errands and not freeze to death. (and being a little warm in it, even!)
///A day of lunch and shopping with Lydia.
///My new hair colour. After the cut a few weeks ago it kinda feels new again with the colour.

Here are some things Ive been watching that have certainly made me smile, inspired me or have just plain been awesome.

Well hello there, Dave. You sure are looking handsome today. I like what youve done with your...everything, really.

Sarah posted this on my wall on Facebook and I swear Ive watched it like 20 times.

Check the girls shoes! The theatrics! The cheesy as hell black man narrating everything! The...Elton John? WTF?! Damn, Gaga...damn.

How about you guys? Whats making the tail-end-of-winter ickiness more bearable for you?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Things I Love Thursday on a Friday!

Im not even going to get into excuses, kids. Theres no reason other than my slacking as to why I havent posted anything worthwhile in...oh, weeks (at the least)? Im about to switch to a schedule that literally makes my stomach turn every time I think about it, so now more than ever I need to list out the things I love lately - Thursday or (in this case) not. Make with the goods, little ones! Whats making you smile?

+Tax returns! I just filed mine today and Im gonna toss out an "OMG!" if I may! Its gonna be nice to actually have some cash in savings for the first time in over a year.

+My dad being all cute and uplifting yesterday. I had mentioned how horrified I am to start my new schedule and he said "Its going to be rough for a bit, but youre so good at your job and such a hard worker that I know you'll make us proud." Awww, thanks dad!

+Haircuts! Im getting one tomorrow and Im not gonna lie...I cant wait to get rid of these long, annoying, static-ridden, dull, no-fun locks. Time for fun Jesika hair again.

+Being completely caught up on bills. I owe nothing to anyone and that is a gooood feeling.

+ (!!!!)

+Rediscovering a song that you love, but have forgotten about. For me, I just cant get enough of Unseen Sights by Alias (with Markus Acher from the Notwist).

+Adventures with Jace on our days off together.

+Ever wanted to play Super Mario Bros. and Tetris combined? Well now you can, fool! Get on that craziness right here!

Now its your turn! What do you love this week?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Get some Sole in your lives, darlings!

More posts coming soon, I promise. Gotta clear the head a little more before I can focus on writing much here. <3

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best of 2009! Kind of. Well, some of them.

The holiday season has proven to be a very slow one around my workplace, lending me lots of time to browse website after website of Best Of 2009 music lists. Everyone from NPR nerds and Pitchfork elitists to no-name indie bloggers such as myself have their choices - some good, some predictable (see also: overrated) and some Ive never heard of.
Initially I thought Id make a rambling list with no real order to it (too chaotic!). Then I thought Id make a list for every genre I liked (too daunting!). Finally, Ive decided that it just has to be done. The challenge must be accepted; Im gonna just have to make an all-genre, covers-all-bases list. Yikes. The very thought makes my music brain seize up. Im gonna do myself a favor and not list anything in any specific order...that'd just be too much for me to handle. Theres so many more I could mention - this list could honestly go for pages and pages. However, without being long winded this is the most concise and evenly spread from one genre to the other collection I could see fitting into this space.
Anyway, lets get on with the show!

Themselves - "CrownsDown"

How has no site that Ive stumbled across mentioned the latest full length from Themselves as one of their faves this year? HOW?! Its no secret that DoseOne is one of my favorite artists, so forgive me for sounding a bit biased but Im going to ask! Its been six years since a new album from Themselves and the strength of each ten tracks on CrownsDown more than makes up for the absence. Dose's polyrhythmic and incredibly fast rhymes would knock any other would-be emcee on their ass and no doubt Jel's programming can run circles around most anyone else. Artists to the truest definition, Themselves have created another masterpiece. These guys just make it look so easy! If they come to a town near you, GO SEE THEM. And stop stealing their music online, would ya? (Dose: "Would you burn my friend, Jeffery Logan, Jel, with a cigarrette?" Crowd: "No!" Dose: "Then why would you burn him with a CD-R?")
(Video below by ME!)

Fever Ray - "s/t"

From start to finish this album has a looming, spooky sound that feels like the musical equivalent of a monster under your bed; its gonna hide in the corners, sharpen its claws when you arent looking and sneak up on you in the middle of the night. It literally took quite nearly a year for Karin Dreijer Andersson's haunting voice and layers of sound to sink its teeth into me even though I bought the album just a few months after its release in January. I was skeptical; I love the Knife and feared her solo endeavor would feel either too similar or too strained. Neither is the case. Its definitely not a summertime sound - the atmosphere on the album is very bleak and see-your-breath-in-the-air chilly.

Felt - "3: A Tribute to Rosie Perez"

Slug and Murs rapping over production by Aesop Rock?! Yes fucking please! Ive seen a lot of flack from reviewers saying that the album is too dark (and all seem to be pointing fingers at Aesop for that) but I have no complaints on that end at all. While good, the first two Felt albums were very similar stylistically so the departure from their safe zone is a nice surprise. The lyrics are still snarky, the sarcasm is still laid thick and the pop/sub-culture references are still relevant and humorous so why not change it up musically, right?

Spinnerette - "s/t"

I seem to appreciate something that a lot of people dont anymore; a really great rock album. I grow tired of trying to label bands in a sea of increasingly ridiculous genres (Pornogrind? Pirate metal? Ugh, whatever.) and sometimes just want my rock to sound, well...rockin. Even more rare than a great rock debut is a great girl-fronted rock band, period. As a pretty big Distillers fan I was super bummed that they announced theyd split up in 2006. Brody Dalle had made mention of Spinnerette being a reality not long after the Distillers parted ways, and the self titled album was well worth the wait. The band definitely has guts and a keen ear for melody that paired with Brody's ballsy, take-no-prisoners attitude and a gravely growl that can turn pretty on a dime made for an impressive debut release. My fingers are crossed that no matter what she calls the band, Brody Dalle will be involved in music for a long time. Plus...shes totally hot, you gotta admit.

Converge - "Axe to Fall"

Alright, heres the review thats gonna be lost on everyone because I seem to be the only person I know who really loves super-heavy music. Converge is a band that people either love or despise - most anyone Ive ever introduced them to falls to the second column. I dont know how to describe why I like them so much without having it sound way too simple. Because of the fact that Jake Bannons vocals are so brutal that they sound more like an instrument than a voice box? Because their production values, talent and sequencing on every album since Jane Doe is unmatched by any other artist in their genre? Because they dont really have a genre? Because theyre consistent? I dunno. The list goes on...

There. Now you can never say Im not diverse.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Things I Love Thursday for the week of December 17th, 2009!

It is once again that time of the week! Lets get down to it and dish about what we've loved this week.

+The unbelievable amount of generous people bringing me donations for Salt Lake County Animal Services (seriously amazing)!
+Saying "Its a Christmas miracle!" after something not very miracle-ish happens.
+"I have that Asian kid singing tuts my barreh stuck in my head."
+Really good combonations of songs being played on shuffle.
+"Dear Jesika 'is hot' Medici, You're a lady and a scholar. Thank you, Alisha".
+My Music Listogrophy book!
+Slide by Missy Elliott
+"Good thing we arent having kids. Itd come out with a full beard, huge eyeballs and saying 'fuck' a lot."
+The new background on my work computer (hellloooo, goldfish!).
+A very successful Christmas shopping trip last Saturday.
+building up the courage to get a haircut - I miss having short, funky hair!
+Being very much in love with the best boy ever.

+How excited I am to give people their Christmas presents.
+That I get to sleep in for the next three days. Mmmmm sleeeep.
+The Simon's Cat cartoons! I love them! Look how cute!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Lets talk lists, my little digital mustachers! Are you a list writer? Before you go grocery shopping do you jot down everything you need first like a good kid? Do you have a Top Ten for everything you love? If so you have no doubt heard of the Listography book line. You havent? Oh, for shame. Here is what the author has to say about the inspiration behind this very fun series;

"The Listography Books are guided journals to help capture your autobiography through list making. I love the elements that make up a life, from experiences to favorites to the people we meet, and I wanted to create a few nice places to keep and share them: the Listography books and
I hope that the books serve as inspiration and as a practical personal tool, but also as a catalyst for reflection. You may uncover a few things that have been filed away by your highly efficient brain. Reading a list is like looking at an old photograph; there's an essence of you in there (which is why the kid's Listography is probably my favorite).
So buy a nice pen and fill one in. I hope you like it. I believe everyone should have an autobiography of some sort, if only for their loved ones to read, and even in the simplest form: a list."

peace and thank you,
lisa nola

Id seen the original book out and about for quite some time and was always tempted to buy it, but this past weekend the newest version came out and I absolutely could not pass it up. Thats right, I am now the proud owner of Music Listology; Your Life In (Play)lists. I am both tremendously excited and extremely petrified of this book. Certain pages simply wont be big enough, and I knew that immediately. List the saddest songs in the world?! How can I possibly fit all of them into one page? IMPOSSIBLE! List your all time favourite artists? But...but...I would need to list them all by their respective genre and each genre will take up at least a page alone! Le sigh. However, on the other end, there are some pages that will be nearly blank - I simply dont have enough favourite television and film theme songs to constitute an entire list from and I certainly dont like jazz enough (at all) to have a full page of favourite musicians. But still! This challenge is going to be so exciting. And just think of the mix CDs that will come from this! Its damn near too much to take. It makes my brain all swarmy with music goodness just thinking about it.

One of the lists to create is Favourite Music Videos which has been lots of fun to think about and go through. Here are just a very, very few of mine.

Aesop Rock! Low budget zombies! Oooooooooh, snap!

Robyn is adorable and that video is even cuter. Case closed.

Okay, so this Garbage video for Push It... damn. I remember watching this when I was a grunge/punk kid (the only one I knew in the whole state of Iowa) as I was BLOWN THE FUCK AWAY. It was so strange and creepy and oddly sexual. Plus look at how hot Shirley Manson used to (sometimes) be.

Just this topic alone has caused quite the conversation between myself, Jace and Juice. The list could just keep going! What are some of your favourites?